Gardens made from recycled mattresses, Swiss LGBT legislation, zero-waste grocery delivery service

Photo: marsraw / Pixabay (CC0)
In this issue of Squirrel News we have hydroponic gardens in a Syrian refugee camp being created from old mattress foam, legislation in Switzerland making homophobic discrimination illegal, and a modern milkman service that is designed to minimise plastic waste by delivering househould staples in reusable packaging.
Mattresses are being turned into hydroponic gardens in a refugee camp in Jordan
Source: Chemistry World
Switzerland enhances protections for LGBT community by making discrimination based on sexual orientation illegal
Source: Global Citizen
The Loop is a new service being trialled to deliver household staple goods in order to eliminate plastic waste
Source: The Guardian
New Sesame Street show brings play and laughter to children displaced by the ongoing Syrian War
Source: The Guardian
The wildfires have forced climate policy into the Australian political debate
Source: Japan Times
The first ever all-electric plane to carry a passenger completes a successful test flight
Source: BBC News
A giant solar-powered ‘Meerkat’ is keeping an eye on rhinos in South Africa
Source: CNN News
Reoffending rates in Durham are being slashed with offenders being offered a rehabilitative alternative to prison
Source: The Guardian
Study suggests that algae should become a staple part of our diets for the sake of our gut health
Source: New Food Magazine
Beirut’s residents are now able to recycle easily with an app that pairs residents with local recycling services
Source: Reset