Ilaria Maria Tonini - Squirrel News

Ilaria Maria Tonini

New Zealand bans tobacco, ‘green banks’ go national in U.S., leather created from cactus and orange peels

New Zealand bans tobacco, ‘green banks’ go national in U.S., leather created from cactus and orange peels

In today’s edition of Squirrel News, New Zealand enacts a near-total ban on tobacco products, climate-friendly infastructure is seeing more success through ‘green bank’ funding in the U.S., and two young entrepreneurs in India create leather alternatives from biowaste.

Sydney’s upcycled highrise, green energy hub on NYC jail complex, 3D-printed homes for Indigenous community

Sydney’s upcycled highrise, green energy hub on NYC jail complex, 3D-printed homes for Indigenous community

In today’s edition of Squirrel News, an upcycled highrise helps save 7500 tonnes in CO2 emissions, a jail complex in NYC will be transformed into a green energy hub, and 3D-printed homes change an Indigenous community’s lives.

Children’s hospital treating social-economic wellness, Toronto’s bike mayor, Albatrosses detecting illegal fishing

Children’s hospital treating social-economic wellness, Toronto’s bike mayor, Albatrosses detecting illegal fishing

In today’s edition of Squirrel News, a children’s hospital in Colorado supports families with school, food, and rent; Toronto’s bike mayor makes cycling more mainstream, and albatrosses help detect illegal trawlers.