In the last edition of Squirrel News for the week, we’re exploring Finland’s public health institute reporting a 66% decrease in teenage abortions from 2000 to 2023, a new electoral amendment bill aiming to prohibit electoral donations and gifts in South Australia, and a faster-than-anticipated decline in ozone-harming gases.
Car-free cities, South Africa legalises cannabis use, the US’s first zero-waste resort town
In today’s edition of Squirrel News, we delve into the momentum behind car-free cities, South Africa’s legalisation of cannabis use, and “Ocean Shitty”: the city taking action to become the US’s first zero-waste travel destination.
Sign language ambulances, deaths from tetanus plummet, building a wildlife corridor in the world’s largest rainforest
Insert In today’s edition of Squirrel News, we’re talking about sign language-equipped ambulances reducing barriers to care in England, a significant decline in tetanus-related fatalities, and the construction of a wildlife corridor in the Amazon rainforest.
Vermont’s oil companies to foot climate change bill, second-chance gun crime initiative, Chile’s coastal cleanup
In today’s edition of Squirrel News, we’re exploring Vermont’s legislation now compelling fossil fuel companies to bear responsibility for climate change-induced damages, a novel programme empowering Florida’s at-risk youth with mentorship, and how frontline medical professionals in California are addressing the complex intersection of homelessness and mental health.
25 stories of solutions and progress from May 2024
In today’s edition of Squirrel News, our editors have curated 25 standout stories highlighting the most remarkable solutions and progress from May 2024. From a groundbreaking legal victory for small island nations at an international ocean tribunal to a new device helping paraplegics regain partial control of their arms and hands, there’s a lot to think about in our latest issue.
Bogotá’s car-free Sundays, Colombia bans bullfighting, the Mekong’s green transformation
In this month’s last edition of Squirrel News, we delve into the evolution of the car-free movement in Bogotá, a victory for animal rights activists in Colombia, and the Mekong river’s eco-friendly makeover.