In today’s edition of Squirrel News, we’re talking about a dramatic drop in levels of deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, a new 1000km electric battery set to enter mass production towards the end of 2023, and how heat-resistant drones can help save people trapped in wildfires and burning buildings.
Amazon deforestation in Brazil drops sharply in first half of 2023
This positive trend reflects the efforts of the country’s new government, with President Lula having made a resolute promise to put an end to the destruction of this vital ecosystem by the year 2030.
China’s 1000km battery could revolutionise long-range electric travel
With the new ‘condensed’ battery set to enter mass production later this year, electric vehicles will be able to travel up to 1,000km on a single charge, eliminating concerns about range anxiety and expanding the possibilities for electric aviation.
Heat-resistant drone helps to locate individuals trapped in wildfires
The groundbreaking drone can also be used for search and rescue operations in burning buildings, and is designed to address questions during emergencies: are there people inside, what’s the condition of the structure – and where are the heat sources?
Smartwatches can detects signs of Parkinson’s years in advance
By analysing data collected through accelerometers – such as subtle changes in movement and sleep patterns – the disease can be anticipated before visible symptoms emerge, supporting early intervention and improved patient outcomes.
Senegalese entrepreneur turns cacti into renewable biogas and organic fertiliser
With an innovative approach to a plant often seen as an unwanted species, the entrepreneur has been able to turn a prickly problem into an opportunity with environmental and agricultural benefits.
Transforming maternal care through supportive supervision in Niger state
This commitment marks a crucial turning point in empowering midwives to deliver high-quality care, ultimately improving maternal health outcomes and ensuring the well-being of mothers and their newborns.
Biographers are enhancing patient care by telling their life stories
In an era of rapid staff turnovers in hospitals and care homes, US-based startup MemoryWell is helping caregivers foster deeper connections by employing writers to craft concise biographies, enriching the overall care experience.
Winemakers in California embrace firefighting training to protect vineyards
In the aftermath of the Glass Fire that occurred almost three years ago, winemakers in the region are rebuilding with fire-resistant materials and enhancing infrastructure for firefighting – alongside undergoing intensive training to achieve certification as firefighters.
Flora, fauna and football do not commonly coexist, but a future with hedgehogs snuffling in the dugout and dragonflies running the touchline may yet be possible after the Football Association committed itself to rewilding the English game.