Bogota restricts bullfighting, a sculpture saving corals, wastewater as a resource

Photo: sgrunden / Pixabay (CC0)
Today in Squirrel News, the Colombian capital is banning the harming and killing of animals in bullfighting, an underwater sculpture helps to save 5,000 corals, and a new EU project is about to use wastewater as an innovative resource.
Bogota protects bulls in bullfighting
Source: The Beet
Artifical coral is helping restore endangered ocean creatures in Thailand
Source: The Planetary Press
Project financed by the European Commission optimises the usability of waste water
‘Decolonise and rename’ streets of Uganda and Sudan, activists urge
Source: The Guardian
Germany will be prohibitung single-use plastic products starting July 2021
Source: The Planetary Press
A Chinese city grants residents the right to perform background checks based on past offences on potential spouses
Source: BBC
A Kenyan made video conferencing app promises to connect the African continent
Source: CNN
From dusted-off bikes to electric dreams: UK green economy booms on back of Covid-19
Source: The Guardian
Sam Mendes launches fund for theatre workers hit by Covid-19 crisis
Source: The Guardian
An ancient Aboriginal site, preserved on the seabed
Source: The Conversation