In today’s issue of Squirrel News, Botswana is about to end HIV transmission from mothers to babies, Spain is making short and medium distance trains free this autumn, and a tree “adoption” scheme improves reforestation and employment in Kenya.
‘A bright life ahead’: Botswana on the path to seeing no babies born with HIV
The country may be Africa’s first to stop the mother-baby transmission of HIV. The WHO hails a ‘groundbreaking’ fall in rates from 40% to 1%.
Source: The Guardian
A new affordable way of treating children with cancer
Dr. Mae Dolendo, a pediatric oncologist has created a free, trailblazing treatment. For more than a decade, her innovative programme has saved the lives of hundreds of kids with cancer. While many children get treatment in a hospital, even more of them get treated online by a team of volunteer doctors.
Source: BBC
Spain to introduce free trains this autumn
In the wake of the energy crisis, the Spanish government has decided to cut down the amount of petrol consumption by offering free rides on low and medium distance trains. The option will be available for four months, starting from September.
Source: Euronews
The Adopt-a-Forest scheme helps protect forests and create employment in Kenya
Science 2018, this carbon-cutting scheme goes beyond common reforestation programmes and addresses the aftercare for trees. The project attracts Kenyan and foreign initiatives which help plant and protect trees.
Source: Thomas Reuters Foundation
Beavers to be given legal protection in England
‘Nature’s engineers’ who create wetlands with their dams are now recognised as native wildlife.
Source: The Guardian
How farmers restore and nourish soil while growing food
“Regenerative agriculture” is a farming approach that helps adapt to extreme temperatures and also fight climate change by keeping more carbon in the soil.
Source: The Christian Science Monitor
How a small area in Australia avoided the global energy crisis
The territory of Canberra switched to 100% renewable energy in less than a decade. Today it has the lowest electricity bills in Australia.
Source: Reasons to be Cheerful
Polish activists help refugees from Ukraine get access to abortion
Ukrainian refugees who experienced sexual violence during the war now need safe abortions. In Poland, where reproductive rights are under strict governmental control, activists are helping women to get access to an important procedure.
Source: Thomas Reuters Foundation
101 Self Care Ideas – beyond bubble baths and face masks
When it comes to self care, you should be focused on your health, not wealth. Here are 101 ideas on how to feel better.
Source: Good Good Good
#23: Standup comedy for men at risk of suicide
Severe depression is a taboo, and when people talk about it, they usually do it with utmost seriousness. Angie Belcher, founder of Comedy on Referral, has another approach: She teaches men at risk of suicide standup comedy – and has just won NHS funding for it. In our new podcast episode, Angie explains to us how she came up with the idea and how using self-satire on stage makes people stronger and more self-confident.