Cacao tree economics, coronavirus vaccine efforts, walking sharks
Photo: Héctor Emilio Gonzalez/Unsplash
Australian scientists have recreated coronavirus in a lab in vital step to create a vaccine
Scientists in Australia have successfully replicated the coronavirus in a lab. This could help accelerate the creation process for a vaccine, as well as be used to test antibodies and allow early detection of the virus in symptom-less patients.
Source: Reuters
Foto: João Laet/The Guardian via The Guardian
From gold to cacao: ‘chocolate trees’ offer sweet alternative to illegal industries
Thousands of cacao tree saplings have been planted in Brazil’s largest indigenous reserve to offer an alternative way to make profits to counter illegal gold mining.
Source: The Guardian
Foto: Conservation International/CNN via CNN
Four new species of walking sharks have been discovered by scientists
The discovery comes after scientists investigated the DNA of the then only known epaulette shark.
Source: CNN
Foto: via Business Call To Action
A pioneering Danish internet service provider is connecting underserved communities to the web
The company aims to provide over 230 million people with affordable internet access by 2024.
Source: Business Call To Action
Foto: Ninara/Global Citizen via Global Citizen
A female Indian rock band is tackling gender inequality through their music
The Uttar Pradesh-based Meri Zindagi confront social issues through their lyrics, questioning cultural norms and demanding system change.
Source: Global Citizen
Foto: via The Better India
An architechtural duo in Jaipur have managed to create homes made from recycled paper – which are simultaneously waterproof and fireproof
The green homes designed by the start-up take only two weeks to assemble and could be India’s answer to the sustainable housing crisis.
Source: The Better India
Foto: Mark C. Olsen/Ecowatch via Ecowatch
New Jersey is the first state in the USA to require evidence of climate consideration before granting building permits
Builders will need to provide a detailed explanation of the environmental impact of their projects before seeking planning permission.
Source: Ecowatch
Foto: Andy Weekes/The Guardian via The Guardian
A groundbreaking trial involving the injection of zero-carbon hydrogen into a UK gas network proves that the decarbonisation of heating buildings is entirely possible
The 20% hydrogen and natural gas blend is currently being used to heat over 100 homes and 30 faculty buildings at Keele University.
Source: The Guardian
Foto: Henk Wildschut/New Yorker via New Yorker
Refugees are cultivating tiny gardens in displacement camps, setting up literal roots in their temporary home
The gardening process offers refugees a sense of continuity and brings some colour to the otherwise monotonous situation.
Source: New Yorker
Foto: via The Better India
A Bengaluru start-up is India’s first taxi fleet comprised entirely of electric vehicles
Launched in 2015, the company are disproving the concept that India does not have the appropriate charging infrastructure to support an electric-based transportation system.
Source: The Better India