In today’s edition of Squirrel News, voluntary gun storage is becoming an increasingly popular programme; gay man have taken over the twitter hashtag of the far-right group “Proud Boys”; and a new app helps track and prevent Amazon deforestation through cooperation with users.
How to get gun owners to give up their firearms during crises
Guns do not just do harm to others, they are also a risk for oneself, especially in times of personal crises. The new, growing “voluntary storage” movement now tries to prevent suicides by asking gun owners to give up their arms voluntarily.
Love takes over – gay men rebrand the Proud Boys’ Hashtag
This was not quite the attention the far-right group expected: their Twitter hashtag was trending on Sunday. But this time #proudboys was flooded by photos and memes of gay men and their families and friends.
This app helps you conserve the Amazon from your couch
A new app relies on user input to track down deforestation in order to protect the ecosystem. Gathered data will be used to alert governments and organisations about when and where to intervene.
These 12 major cities have committed to divesting in fossil fuels
In an effort to move towards a green recovery from the pandemic, world leaders are pledging to cut down on fossil fuel use. Member cities include Berlin, Bristol and Capetown among others.