From what was originally a non-starter, federal paid parental leave could soon become national policy, as more fathers are adopting it and advocating for it.
Protests in India: Could bans on alcohol reduce domestic violence?
Raiding illegal breweries and targeting off-licences, women in rural India have taken to the streets protesting the ban of alcohol, a move that is believed to tackle domestic abuse.
Newfound drug combination effective in treating ovarian cancer
Researchers have found that the new combination drug can significantly reduce tumours in patients with ovarian cancer, a disease that has been least responsive to chemotherapy.
This special reflective coating on the city streets helps to keep the air and the surrounding area cool and has high scalability in big cities globally.
Academics and scientists worldwide push for phasing out fossil fuels
More than 2,000 scientists, researchers, and academics have demanded national governments to develop, adopt, and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty in an effort to safeguard future generations.
These modular vertical farms can provide urban food deserts with fresh produce
In an effort to address social inequality within food systems, creative agency Framlab’s Glasir project has built a group of greenhouse-like cubes that provide low-income neighborhoods with access to fresh produce.
This new card game called Parents Are Humans allows second-generation immigrants to better understand their parents’ experiences and build a better connect.
The campaign that is changing hurtful vocabulary associated with motherhood
The parenting app Peanut has initiated a campaign to rename demeaning words and phrases related to motherhood, which provides for a new glossary of medical terminology for health professionals.
The woman changing the male-female dynamics in the trucking industry
Pamela Williams, a truck driver and instructor with DSC Training Academy in Jackson, Mississippi, is one of a record number of women who have turned to truck driving jobs that prove more remunerative than others in service sector jobs.