In today’s issue of Squirrel News, we’re talking about the continuation of the DACA programme in the United States, starting conversations around mental health while preventing suicide in Brazil, and an innovative new method of counting lions.
US Supreme Court rules that a major programme protecting young immigrants from deportation must continue
The scheme in question is known as DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), and prevents those brought illegally to the US as children from being prosecuted.
Source: BBC News
A team of Brazilian students are supporting over 1,500 people at high risk of sucide through their mental health initiative
The programme at the Walter Cantídio University hospital in Fortaleza is also helping to start meaningful conversations around mental health.
Source: The Guardian
A sex education app is helping to prevent teenage pregnancies in Sierra Leone during the COVID-19 pandemic
As sexual health education is not taught in schools in the country, the app is providing young people with essential knowledge – and is also challenging misinformation and taboos.
Source: Global Citizen
Divers in the UAE are propagating coral reefs in order to build a new natural ecosystem
The small team hope to cover over 300,000 square metres with 1.5 million corals using a sustainable, non-invasive method.
Source: Reuters
Low-income countries will be able to access a lifesaving pneumonia vaccine for only $2 due to a landmark agreement
The initiative could potentially save the lives of millions of children every year, according to a study.
Source: Global Citizen
Rivers in the US are returning to their wild roots as dams are slowly being taken down
Huge numbers of native bird species are returning to these areas following the removal of the man-made structures.
Source: NPR
Scotland has banned the mass culling of mountain hares
The new protection measures could prevent approximately 25,000 hares from being shot every year in what is seen as a win for conservations.
Source: The Guardian
A non-hierachal community learning initiative in Mexico is helping residents live in harmony with the earth
Universidad de la Tierra is the brainchild of both idigenous communities and non-indigenous organisations.
Source: The Ecologist
A “football-storytelling” project is highlighting how sport benefits displaced peoples across the globe
Goal Click Refugees show how refugees are able to rebuild their lives and engage with their communities, allowing chances to heal and develop whilst challenging stereotypes.
Source: BBC News
An innovative new way for zoologists to count lions could aid international conservation efforts
The new method focuses more on visual data collection through the employment of cinematic cameras and high-resolution video equipment.