Wales tackles period poverty, AI joins fight against cancer, and Duolingo sparks Gaelic resurgence

Photo: Fred Bigio / Flickr (CC0)
In this issue of Squirrel News the Welsh government is providing sanitary products in all schools and communtiy spaces, AI is identifying cancer more effectively than human doctors, and Duolingo’s Gaelic course experiences a booming revival.
Wales tackles period poverty by providing free sanitary products
Source: BBC News
Artificial intelligence may be more effective than doctors in detecting breast cancer
Source: Time
Duolingo’s Gaelic course sparks boom in interest amongst Scottish youth
Source: The Guardian
An all-timber football stadium ran on renewable energy is given the green light in England
Source: ArchDaily
Artificial surfing lagoon in Bristol designed for people with disabilities
Source: The Guardian
Less aggressive chemotherapy found to be just as effective for testicular cancer
Source: BBC News
In spite of Trump over 30 US states want to keep accepting refugees
Source: Global Citizen
Staging Change, an intiative founded with the aim of making theatre more sustainable
Source: EuroNews