#3: Special – Prison reform and the Compassion Prison Project
In our first special episode, we’re presenting amazing approaches like a prison model without wardens and guns in Brazil, and we’re talking to Fritzi Horstman, the founder of the Compassion Prison Project.
Hosts: Ed Crasnick, Jonathan Widder. Editing: Nina Bohlmann.
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Stories mentioned
Brazil’s jails reduce recidivism rates without wardens and guns, DW
Reducing incarceration decreases number of violent crimes in the US, Reasons To Be Cheerful
Prison with no fence helps women readjust to life in the community before their release, Charlotte Observer
Fitness entrepreneurship course offers a second chance to the formerly incarcerated, Next City
Two prisoners care for fellow inmates with mental illnesses in pioneering US initiative, The Christian Science Monitor
Former inmates partially run probation system in US, BBC
Prisoners are becoming lawyers in the US, Reasons To Be Cheerful