Today in Squirrel News, Amazon workers in New York vote to form a union, a study shows global green finances soar over 100-fold, and a landmark court ruling makes Ecuador the first country to give legal rights to wild animals.
Study shows global green finance climbed over 100 times in the past decade
As nations raise against time to achieve climate goals, a new study shows that global green financing, aimed at environmentally friendly projects around the world, is on the rise.
Ecuador becomes first country to give legal rights to wild animals
The landmark court ruling highlights that “wild species and their individuals have the right not to be hunted, fished, captured, collected, extracted, kept, retained, trafficked, traded or exchanged.”
Ballot initiative aims to solve homeless crisis in Seattle
The initiative would install a public developer tasked to build, own and maintain the public housing. The measure still needs to go through a number of processes including the collection of 27,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot.
How a co-op is running six Canadian newspapers it saved
“Collective ownership seems to be the best answer to maintain a collective treasure for our communities,” CN2i CEO Stéphane Lavallée said. CN2i took over six newspapers which after their parent company filed for bankruptcy.
‘We feel safer’: how green energy is brightening refugee lives in Rwanda
Solar-powered street lamps and cleaner cooking stoves did more than just provide energy and means to cook food without the need to collect firewood. The refugees say they feel safer.
Religious groups assist Ukrainian refugees across US
Faith groups across the US are one with Ukranian refugees. Pastors and lay individuals go the extra mile establishing a station at the Mexico border to offer food, water and prayer to the displaced.
Meet the lawyer leading the charge against marital rape in India
Like many other Indian women, Karuna Nundy is awaiting the verdict on a petition to criminalize rape within marriage. A 2017 petition she represents in court was only heard in January and a response is expected in the coming months.