
Jonathan Widder
Founder and Chief EditorJonathan founded Squirrel News, and is the director of the Constructive News e. V. He leads both the management and the editorial team, and regularly collects news himself. In the past, Jonathan has worked as a freelance journalist and helped build up different media start-ups in Berlin.

Elizabeth Jacyshyn-Owen
EditorElizabeth is an editor on the English edition of Squirrel News. Having worked as a music journalist for a number of years, she recently decided to take a step back from the industry and look for more meaningful projects to work on. Outside of Squirrel News, she is a writer and translator, specialising in humanitarian aid.

Ed Crasnick
Podcast HostEd Crasnick is an Emmy winning writer, as well as a performer, producer and development executive, and co-host of the Squirrel News Podcast. He is the founder of Makelight, Inc.; an entertainment studio that unites Mental Health and Comedy, and also hosts several other podcasts, a new book, a number of TV projects and community programs. Ed is a big fan of solutions journalism and believes that everything is possible. He lives by the beach in LA where he drinks coffee and worries.

Leslie Boltron
EditorLeslie is a member of the English edition’s editorial staff. After spending a significant portion of her career at CNN Philippines, she is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Media, Ethics and Social Change at a UK university.

Heidi Gulick
EditorHeidi is a member of the English editorial staff. She started her career life in journalism in the US, mainly for non-profits, but has worn many hats over the years. For the last 14 years, she has taught English in Germany, but is now 90% retired.

Nora Henze
Podcast & PRNora is a freelance journalist in the field of music and entertainment, and also works as a PR manager and moderator. She is co-host of our German podcast and makes sure as many people as possible know about Squirrel News.

Martin Keiper
Research EditorMartin is a freelance journalist and layout artist. For almost 30 years he was editor-in-chief of the magazine “EineWelt” of the Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany” and also responsible for its book programme. Since his retirement he is a freelance editor and layout designer. Martin believes that constructive stories also need clear analysis and is looking for such stories for Squirrel News in German-speaking media.

Jennifer Giwi
German podcastTogether with Jonathan and Nora, Jennifer hosts our German podcast. Outside of Squirrel News she is a writer and speaker, conducts constructive interviews, and does conceptual design for audio and video.

Oliver Erxleben
CTOOliver is Chief Technical Squirrel. He has developed the Squirrel News App and is happy to support a project that he finds exciting and important.

Sandra Zollner
DeveloperSandra supports the Squirrel News team by tirelessly developing and maintaining our app. She’s an experienced software developer whose passion lies in creating user-friendly and accessible online experiences

Marco Rehmer
DeveloperMarco also helps to further develop the Squirrel News app. Still a career changer in software development in 2014, he is now also a web front-end developer since early 2021. In addition to UI/UX design principles and architecture patterns, Marco harbours a healthy passion for coffees from around the world. And when he’s not sitting in front of the keyboard, he hangs on a climbing wall and looks at the world from above.

Stefanie Brettschneider
Google AdGrantsSteffi runs our Google AdGrants campaigns. She is a passionate online marketer and worked for an agency for a long time before she set up as a freelancer. She believes in the Good of mankind and is happy to use her skills at Squirrel News for a wonderful project.

Leon Wolf
Podcast EditorLeon is studying cultural and media education in Merseburg, Germany, with a focus on auditory media. At Squirrel News, he has been editing and mixing podcast episodes since 2022 to create an ideal listening experience. He also creates audiograms for our social media presences.