Seven-year-old raises thousands, LGBT+ rights in Dutch constitution, modular housing for formerly homeless
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Photo: Markus Spiske / Unsplash (CC0)
Today in Squirrel News, a seven-year-old girl raises thousans for multicultural crayons and books; in the Netherlands, LGBT+ rights will be written into the constituion; and in Portland, formerly homeless people have moved into an affordable, modular housing project.
LGBT+ rights will be written into the Dutch constitution
The lower chamber of the Dutch legislature has voted 124-26 to add sexual orientation to the protected categories list in Article 1 of the Netherlands’ constitution.
Beautiful, modular, affordable housing for the formerly homeless
In Portland, a new housing project has opened for people who were formerly homeless or greatly affected by COVID-19. It shows how beautiful, modular and affordable housing is possible.
A new greenhouse for Wellesley College in Massachusetts follows passive solar principles and draws on geothermal energy. The botanical facility will also allow people to share real-time data about the plants, their soil, and air conditions.
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