In today’s edition of Squirrel News, we’re exploring New Zealand’s mammoth shift towards renewable electricity generation and transition away from coal at the country’s major steel plant, a groundbreaking new law in France ending the short-haul flight boom, and a tech-based water distribution system protecting at-risk regions from wildfires in Spain.
New Zealand announces its biggest emissions reduction project in history
The move to power Glenbrook steel plant with electricity from renewables rather than coal will reduce emissions by 1% – the equivalent of taking 300,000 cars off the road.
Tech shields protect Spanish cities from wildfires
The “Guardian” system involves dozens of giant sprinkler towers distributing water in at-risk regions, keeping the ground and vegetation moist and less likely to ignite.
Sustainable timber could decarbonise the construction industry
By trading energy-intensive materials for wood – which can actively lock away carbon from the atmosphere – the building process could save more than 100Gt of carbon by the end of the century.
Seven municipalities in Sweden are running on fossil-free fuels
The Skåne region is hitting its climate targets with a strategy that involves green public transport alongside sustainably sourced heating, cooling, and energy.
A Twitter bot is tracking deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Developed by the NGO Global Witness, the tool aims to monitor and expose the destruction of forests linked to the indirect supply chain of Brazilian meat company JBS.
Indonesian initiative channels climate funds directly to Indigenous peoples
The scheme launched by three of Indonesia’s largest Indigenous and civil society organisations encourages funneling money to the communities working on the frontlines of protecting forests and restoring land.
Solar panelled car parks offer a better – and greener – use of space
Outside the offices of a major car manufacturer in Southern England, more than 2,000 angled panels have been installed – with a capacity of almost one megawatt at peak capacity.
CPSC is increasing representation of physical disability in stock photos
The move marks a big step forward in terms of disability visibility, with campaigners working to make inclusion “standard practice, rather than a lauded exception”.
Farmers are turning to bees to improve elephant-community relations
As humans expand further into natural elephant habitats, a number of peaceful solutions are being trialled to reduce conflict between animals and people.